Miraculous Medal Campaign
Medal Request Form
“Have a medal struck upon this model. All those who wear it, when it is blessed, will receive great graces especially if they wear it round their neck. . Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon those who have confidence.”
The Miraculous Medal is one of the Church's sacramentals. It is a physical representation of a spiritual reality. Ever since its institution, the Miraculous Medal has been known to be a powerful source of drawing down God's grace to mankind, even in the form of miracles. That is why the Seminary is launching its Miraculous Medal Campaign. Help spread this marvelous devotion to Our Lady by requesting your medals here!
To donate with cash or to request by mail, please address envelopes to:
Miraculous Medals
c/o St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
1208 Archbishop Lefebvre Ave.
Dillwyn, VA 23936
About the Medal
We wonder how it is possible that this message, which is so important and so clear, is now so poorly understood and so poorly received. When witnessing the lack of interest in obtaining and wearing the Miraculous Medal, even among our Catholic families, we are obliged to say that this message has not, indeed, been understood and received as it should. Like many of the other messages given by Our Blessed Lord and by Our Lady, men do not pay attention to calls from heaven, which is why so many souls are lost and why the world and the Church are suffering such a terrible crisis.
Yet, the message of the Miraculous Medal is so important that, in order to attract our attention to it, God and the Blessed Virgin Mary have attached a wonderful power to the medal for the spiritual and material benefit of those who wear it. The unbelievable number of wonders and miracles performed all around the world by the medal is the reason for its special nickname: the “Miraculous Medal.” We must understand well that by giving such miraculous power to the Medal, God and the Blessed Virgin Mary want to show the whole world the importance of the message that this Medal conveys to mankind.
This right understanding of the symbolism of the Medal makes wearing it a powerful Profession of Catholic Faith in the exclusivity of the cross, along with the cooperation and mediation of Mary, for the salvation of men: “Hail Cross, our only hope!”(Hymn: Vexilla Regis). “The Cross,” said Archbishop Lefebvre, “is the deepest and most admirable expression of what Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, has done for us. Order was restored by the Cross. It was at the moment Our Lord died that order was re-established, the devil was vanquished, and God served as He should be.” (The Mass of All Times, p.4). This is the Catholic doctrine and this is what the Miraculous Medal by “the ‘M’ with the Cross” expresses so well! Thus, when the modernist hierarchy preaches today the universal salvation of men, regardless of their religion, the Miraculous Medal stands as an antidote against this new ecumenical heresy and proclaims very clearly, as once did the banner of Joan of Arc: the Glory of God and the salvation of men solely by the Holy Names of “Jesus and Mary!”
These Two Hearts, symbols of the love of Jesus and Mary, are like the signature of the entire message of the Miraculous Medal. Even though this message has reminded us of the exclusivity of salvation by the Cross, the necessity of penance and recourse to Mary to save our souls, this message is still a message of love: love coming from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the salvation of men; love stronger than the raging hell; love which “at the end will triumph.”
We now can truly understand why Our Lady said to St. Catherine Labouré: “The ‘M’ with the Cross and the Two Hearts tell enough!”
For these reasons, I would like to encourage you to increase your devotion to, your confidence in, and your love towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These two devotions cannot and must not be separated. They are but one in essence, which is the love of God, communicated and given to men through these two vessels of charity: the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary.
Fr. Jacques Emily